Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The other morning I had one of those elusive Perfect Moments that happen so rarely you have to take note of them when they find you. I was sitting on the daybed in my living room reading a book and drinking iced coffee when it started to thunderstorm outside. I stopped reading for a minute and listened to the sound of the rain, just appreciating the present and being totally at peace with nature and with my surroundings.

And then I immediately updated my Facebook status about it.


Anonymous said...

That picture is surreal. I also think this might be my favorite post. Particularly the last line. I'm beginning to think you're funny outside the GSU :). Guess who I am?

Healthy and Homemade said...

What an amazing photo! Love the lighting.

Jen Hsieh said...

This picture is stunning. And I always post facebook statuses about little moments like this too. Oh, our generation. :P

And I'm working in NYC for a social media/digital marketing firm! :)

LyddieGal said...

of course. how else can such a moment be appreciated unless everyone knows about it.

Chic on the Cheap

Tanya said...

I love the moments of appreciating nature.

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